Sustainable and regenerative hospitality: a path to a successful society

Tourism is an industry that was born to generate happiness. And industry made by people for people. Shared moments and experiences that build lives. And, as such, it should meet the highest values of respect to people, environment and local communities. It is in its ethos.

Sustainable and responsible business practices have become integral to corporate strategies. Hospitality and tourism have embraced these values being the concepts of sustainable and regenerative hospitality a center stage. This visionary approach to the hospitality industry goes beyond green; it aims to create a positive impact on the environment, local communities, and the bottom line.

Soneva Jani, in Maldives, alligned to LUSH criteria | Luxury Sustainable Hotels & Retreats

The Rise of Sustainable and Regenerative Hospitality

Regenerative hospitality is about giving back more than what is taken, a philosophy that aligns with the broader shift towards a more sustainable world.

A pioneering example of regenerative hospitality is the award-winning Soneva Resorts, where the founder, Sonu Shivdasani, shares his insight: “We aim to regenerate, not just conserve. When you give more than you take, you create a lasting legacy.”

NEXT EVENT – meet us at RESET 2023, Hilton Park Lane. ON 3th November.
to Book your EARLY BIRD (50% off) IN-PERSON TICKET
virtual/ streamed attendance tickets also available

LUSH, the premium organization for eco luxury hotels and retreats

Key Principles of a Sustainable and Regenerative Hospitality

  1. Sustainable Sourcing: Regenerative hospitality begins with sourcing practices that support local communities and minimize environmental impact. The Farm-to-Table movement has been a pivotal driver in this regard.
  2. Biodiversity Conservation: Recognizing that hotels often operate in ecologically sensitive areas, regenerative hospitality places a premium on preserving local biodiversity. John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, highlights this: “Biodiversity is the natural capital of the Earth, and we need to preserve it.”
  3. Waste Reduction and Recycling: Leading hotels are adopting a zero-waste mindset, not only to reduce their ecological footprint but also to inspire guests.
  4. Community Engagement: Successful regenerative hospitality goes beyond economic transactions and seeks to engage with the local community. A prominent advocate for community involvement is Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, who believes, “Profit is not a purpose, but a result of a purpose.”

Market Statistics and Trends

The growing demand for regenerative hospitality is underscored by compelling market statistics. According to a recent report by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, hotels and resorts adopting regenerative practices have experienced an impressive 25% increase in occupancy rates over the last year. Moreover, a survey conducted by Deloitte found that 84% of travelers now actively seek out eco-friendly and sustainable accommodations when planning their trips.

The Lush Association, the premium international association for eco luxury hotels and retreats, also plays a pivotal role in advocating for regenerative hospitality. Through their research, they have found that hotels embracing regenerative practices have seen a 30% reduction in operating costs and a 15% increase in guest satisfaction scores. This data showcases the tangible benefits of adopting a regenerative approach.

I personally recommend reading books like “The Regenerative Business” by Carol Sanford,

and “The Ecology of Commerce” by Paul Hawken have inspired hoteliers to reimagine their businesses in a regenerative context. These books provide valuable insights into transforming business operations for long-term sustainability.

Regenerative Hospitality in Action

One inspiring example of regenerative hospitality in action is The Lodge at Chaa Creek, a luxurious eco-lodge in Belize. Founder Mick Fleming shares his vision: “We aim to be a catalyst for positive change, both ecologically and socioeconomically.” The lodge has not only achieved carbon neutrality but has also invested in reforestation efforts and education programs for local children.

Chaa Creek resort in Belize. Congrats from LUSH Hotels Association

Another success story comes from the iconic Fogo Island Inn in Canada. Zita Cobb, the founder, explains, “Our approach is rooted in respect for the island’s unique culture and nature.” The inn has rejuvenated the island’s economy, created jobs, and supported the arts community while maintaining a commitment to sustainability.

Fogo island Inn, in Canada, absolutelly alligned to LUSH Hotels criteria | Luxury Sustainable Hotels & Retreats

Road Ahead: the LUSH way

Regenerative hospitality is a transformational shift in how we view and operate within the hospitality industry. As we move forward, it’s essential for hoteliers to consider the environmental and societal impacts of their operations.

The principles of regenerative hospitality, supported by compelling statistics and the endorsement of organizations like the LUSH HOTELS Association, are reshaping the hospitality industry and showing with data that green is also profitable: being sustainable and regenerative is the road to follow. Market statistics and consumer preferences indicate that sustainability and responsible business practices are no longer optional but essential for long-term success.

By embracing regenerative hospitality, we can create a more harmonious world where businesses thrive, local communities prosper, business grow at the time than the environment is also regenerated. It’s time for all of us to be a part of this transformative journey toward a better and greener future.

NEXT EVENT – meet us at RESET 2023, Hilton Park Lane. ON 3th November.
to Book your EARLY BIRD (50% off) IN-PERSON TICKET

virtual/ streamed attendance tickets also available

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