List Your Hotel

We believe in fostering a community of eco-conscious boutique hotels, retreats, and lodges dedicated to sustainability and wellness. By listing your hotel with us, you will be added to LUSH data base, joining a network of like-minded establishments committed to creating memorable experiences while minimizing environmental impact. Best of all, this service is completely free!

Maximize Your Hotel's Exposure

Benefits of Listing Your Hotel

Listing your hotel with LUSH opens doors to be part of LUSH data base and receiving communications, offers, and access to certain benefits.

Note that listing your hotel or retreat is NOT becoming a LUSH member. You will not receive Official Diploma of Membership, nor premium discount, among others, as access to Certification. Your logo and brand will not be displayed (Should you wish so, you’ll have to join as member). But, by listing your property, you will receive proposals and access to specialized services,  benefits and discounts to grow your brand.

LUSH data base

Your hotel, retreat or glamping site will be added to LUSH database and start enjoying proposals, benefits, etc. 

Enhanced Brand Recognition

Access to certain offers to enjoy discounts to insert your content at LUSH ecosystem.

Support from LUSH Team

Stay informed about industry updates, networking events, and collaborative initiatives within the LUSH community.

Discounts to promote your brand

 Access to certain LUSH discounts, to publish banners and highlighting your hotel’s green initiatives, and eco-friendly practices to attract environmentally conscious guests.

Discounts to access to specialized services

 Receive assistance and guidance from our team of experts to amplify your sustainability efforts and drive positive chan

Attract eco luxury lovers around the world



Should you wish to unlock the full potential fo LUSH to grow and accelerating your brand visibility and profits, we invite you to officially joining LUSH as member.


Submit Your Information

Fill out the form below with details about your hotel, including its location, amenities, sustainability initiatives, and contact information.

Review and Approval

Our team will review your submission to ensure alignment with LUSH’s sustainability criteria and values.


Once approved, your hotel will be listed on our website, allowing eco-travelers to discover and book your property with ease.

Stay Engaged

Keep us updated on any changes or developments at your hotel to maintain an accurate and up-to-date listing.

Join us in our mission to promote sustainable hospitality and create a greener, more conscious travel industry. Together, we can make a positive impact on the planet while providing unforgettable experiences for our guests.

Hotel Listing Submission Form

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Contact Person's Name
Please provide a brief overview of your hotel, including its unique features, amenities, and sustainability initiatives.
Describe any eco-friendly practices, certifications, or sustainability efforts implemented by your hotel
Feel free to include any other relevant details about your hotel that you'd like to share.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
You may upload your hotel's logo to be displayed alongside your listing

Exciting News! LUSH is Now REGENERA

We’re thrilled to announce our rebrand as REGENERA, Regenerative Luxury Hotels & Retreats Global Association. Join us as we embark on this exciting journey to redefine luxury and sustainability in hospitality. Discover what REGENERA has to offer and be part of a transformative movement in the industry.